Paramphinome M.Sars, 1872


Sars, G. O. On some remarkable forms of animal life from the great deeps off the Norwegian coast. Part 1, partly from posthumous manuscripts of the late prof. Mich. Sars. University Program for the 1rs half-year 1869. Brøgger & Christie, Christiania viii. 82: 1-6 (1872).

Lista de especies

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Paramphinome jeffreyssii



  • Ocaña Martín, A.; Sánchez Tocino, L.; López González, S.; y Viciana Martín, J.F. Guía submarina de invertebrados no artrópodos. Editorial Comares. .
  • J.M. Vieitez & al. Annelida, Polychaeta I. Fauna Ibérica, CSIC.
  • Flora y fauna de las costas de España y Europa.. Campbell
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